Home > information > News > 2021 > 【Award】Professor Junji KIDO received the 62th Fujihara Award from the Fujihara Foundation of Science that is an award to praise the researcher who contributes to the scientific-technological development. Also, Professor kido will give an interview at regular press conference of Yamagata University on June, 2.
May 28, 2021 | 【Award】Professor Junji KIDO received the 62th Fujihara Award from the Fujihara Foundation of Science that is an award to praise the researcher who contributes to the scientific-technological development. Also, Professor kido will give an interview at regular press conference of Yamagata University on June, 2. |
Professor Junji KIDO received the 62th Fujihara Award from the Fujihara Foundation of Science that is an award to praise the researcher who contributes to the scientific-technological development. Also, Professor kido will give an interview at regular press conference of Yamagata University on June, 2.
📚 Kido/Sasabe/Chiba Lab HP >> https://oled.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/view.cgi?p=389 📚 About Fujihara Award >> https://www.fujizai.or.jp/e_gaiyo.htm